Buddhism beyond East and West
We are the European Buddhist Training Center (EBTC), a cooperative effort between the Dharma Gate Buddhist College (DGBC) and the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU) to produce graduates with right understanding of Buddhist scriptures, good conduct, and abilities to propagate Buddhism and to do research in this field.
In order to achieve this, we have set up a Master of Arts program in Buddhist Studies, an MCU accredited degree available at a convenient European location, the Dharma Gate Buddhist College. We believe that the representation and propagation of Buddhism requires qualified teachers who have personal experience and knowledge of Buddhist scriptures. Therefore, our aim is to produce Buddhist graduates with right understanding of Buddhist scriptures, while maintaining the precepts and passing on the basic Buddhist teachings to others.
The European Buddhist Training Center considers all teachers and students equally as the Buddha’s disciples. We do not consider any Buddhist school superior to any other. Rather, we recognize their equal validity and effectiveness for people with different aptitudes. We endeavor to study all Buddhist traditions and facilitate growth of a characteristically European tradition. The Center provides venue to Buddhist teachers of all traditions as well as academic scholars without any hierarchical distinction. We are open to dialogue with all religions and spiritual traditions that share the same open attitude. It is our conviction that all religious traditions contribute significantly to the alleviation of suffering. With this consideration we do our best to serve and benefit humankind and each individual.