Pali IX
Bachelor of Liberal Arts, Sukothai Dharma University
M.A. (Buddhist Studies), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya
Ph.D.(Pali&Buddhist Studies), BHU, India
2006 Acting Rector of Academic Section
2002 Dean of Graduate School (appointed second time)
1998 Acting Dean of Graduate School
1998 Dean of Graduate School (appointed first time)
1997 Acting Deputy Dean of Graduate School
1997 Director of Academic Division
1995 Acting Director of Academic Section
1994 Permanent Academic Division Officer
Associate Professor of Department of Buddhism, Faculty of Buddhism, MCU
Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, MCU
Mahayana Buddhism: development and its essence (Thai edition),2000
Buddhist Philosophy: essences and development(Thai edition), 2001
Buddhism and modern technology(Thai edition), 2002
Tibetan Buddhist Culture(Thai edition), 2004
Translating Works:
Development of Buddhist Ethics, 1993
Karma and Rebirth, 1992
Development of thoughts in the pattern of ancient Indian, 1993
Basic Buddhist Views, 1993
Philosophy of Nargajuna, 1993
Mahayana Buddhism, 1993